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Mass & Confession Times

Please see the March 1-2 parish bulletin in English or Polish for a list of special Lenten devotions and programs.

Sunday Mass Times


(po angielsku)

5:00 pm (Saturday)​

11:00 am 


(po polsku)

9:30 am 

12:30 pm

Children's Liturgy (ages ~4-9) is offered on Sundays at both the 9:30 am and 11:00 am Masses. The children typically gather with our volunteers at the back of the church shortly before Mass.

Weekday Mass Schedule


Tuesday:        6:30 pm English (after Stations of the Cross in English)

Wednesday: 6:30 pm Polish

Thursday:     9:00 am English

Friday:           12:00 pm Polish

​                          6:30 pm Polish* (after Stations of the Cross in Polish)

*First Friday of the Month in Lent:

12:30 - 6:15 pm - Eucharistic Adoration

5:30 - 6:30 pm - Confessions

6:30 pm - Stations of the Cross (Polish) followed by bilingual Mass

First Saturday of the Month:

8:30 am - Bilingual Rosary

9:00 am - Bilingual Mass

9:30 - 10:00 am - Family Eucharistic Adoration

Confessions ​



First Friday of the Month:  5:30 - 6:30 pm

Confession is also available upon request (when possible) and by appointment.


5:30 - 6:20 pm


​3:45 - 4:30 pm 

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament


Fridays in Lent: 12:30 - 6:15 pm

Family Adoration: 1st Saturday each month, 9:30 - 10:00 am.

Families are welcome to come and go as they need. Parents should feel free to bring their children of any age, to allow them to look around, ask questions and pray.


The goal of Family Adoration is not silence or stillness, but rather to help our children know that the presence of Jesus is a place where they can have joy and belong.

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